What is Food (In)Justice?

How to create a balanced, healthy diet in an unbalanced world.

Many things can cause food injustice or food insecurity. Seems wrong given the impression of abundance and waste the United States and most first world countries have. Yet, in 2021 according to the Census Bureau, 31 million people live below the poverty line in the US.

But food is big business. For example, the largest lobbying group in Washington are big food corporations. They are called food monopolies. This means that only about 10 companies own all the food companies in the world. So, for example, where you think you might have choice, it may all be coming from the same company and maybe even the same factory, just different packaging. One study showed four firms own about 40% of marketshare which makes it harder and harder to escape from ultra-processed food.

Food injustice or food insecurity can be a product of lack of access to transportation to sources of high quality groceries, limited nutrition education, affordability and discriminatory practices.

We want to provide some ways to make life easier and ways to get around the barriers that appear to be established. Knock them down, so to speak. Life is a challenge. No need to make it even harder. High quality foods, healthy recipes, building community will keep us strong to care for our children and families, to keep us prepared for what ever challenges life throws our way!

Click on a link below to learn more about Food Equity programs in Austin, Texas!

Books about Food Justice Coming Soon


Social (In)equity